30 September 2013

B day -- Be productive!

Vocab C & D paragraph check Rough draft due Thursday -- 4 or 5 paragraphs-- work in LMC Final paper due Monday -- may email over weekend

26 September 2013

work time... not so well used....

Vocab A & B Paperfest -- review thesis statements and help line up papers 1 body paragraph draft for Monday... Homework

25 September 2013

B day -- llama parade

Vocab A Grammar -- turn in hw Thesisfest: review thesis statements that were emailed. hw: work on thesis and text evidence. 6 QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure thesis has subject + angle/attitude/argument

23 September 2013

C day -- in WK's absence

Vocab test New words Lit analysis work-- find quotes for your thesis -- shoot for 6 by tomorrow NOTE: please consider taking the PSAT -- sign ups are this week . $15 -- money attached to scores!!!

20 September 2013

Beeeee day #carsafety

clean up from sub vocab: E --llamas grammar: correct hw; complete 7 & 8 on review page (the next one) Lit Analysis: thesis/ intro talk; theme handout; tips handout hw: email thesis statement to me ASAP read handouts grammar

17 September 2013

B day

Vocab A & B, review words Grammar: Pronoun notes, hw: ex 1, 1-5; ex. 2 1-10 circle up for discussion of lit analysis and thesis -- then the bell rudely interrupted us!

13 September 2013

C day "A&P"

Vocab review/clues lesson 2 Nouns -- notes and exercises "A&P" review annotations for themes and discuss HW: read "Literary Analysis" packet. Annotate. Look for "A&P" references!

12 September 2013

literature rules!

Vocab test 1 lit circle wrap up read "A + P" -- annotate: 2 statements highlited and 2 notes in margins/ page -- HW

10 September 2013

C day

Wrap up Vocab to get ready for test -- ex E Circle discussion of fave books -- begin HW: get ready for vocab test

09 September 2013

Vocabbaa Dabba Dooooooo

Review homework: Diction Vocab focus: finish A - D exercises; get Test calendar: Test Thursday homework: choose novel and topic for lit analysis; finish vocab in packet if you haven't Click here for Quizlet!

05 September 2013

C - ya! day

Literary analysis booklet review intro to voice lessons -- groups 1-5, present section Diction: page 1 together hw: next 2 pages of diction for Monday; choose which novel from summer reading you would like to write about for first lit analysis

04 September 2013

Welcome, readers!!

Syllabus/class review Vocab assignment: get words listed: wordlywise3000.com review summer books summer reading quiz hw: get vocab words for lesson one -- write on chart